The Loony Bin
Fri, 02 May 03 00:17:58 -2300
Hiya All... If you've ever wondered how to get rid of people trying to sell things over the telephone, here's one suggestion... Wishes & Dreams... - ANDREA xx ******* THE LOONY BIN **** ******* Archive: *********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess *********** ------- Forwarded foolishness follows ------- This Will Scare Them Off ------------------------ A customer is answering a phone call from one of those telemarketers with the "We have the lowest long distance phone rates" lines... (You know, the ones that call just as you are taking the first bite of your dinner!) Customer: I'm glad you called! I've been wanting to get signed up for that new "nickel-a-minute" rate! Telemarketer: Certainly, Sir! Just let me get some information from you. Customer: Right, well, can you go ahead and tell me when I'll get my first check? Telemarketer: What, Sir? Customer: Well, since you're going to give me a nickel a minute, I wondered when I'll start getting paid. Telemarketer: No, Sir, we don't PAY you. Customer: You mean this is a FRAUD? Telemarketer: No, Sir! It's just that we don't PAY you the nickel a minute. Let me let you talk to a supervisor. ..long conversation with supervisor... Telemarketer: Now do you understand, Sir? Customer: I guess so. Could we talk about the "friends-and-family" plan? I've always wanted a little brother. *Click!* Please include this information if you forward this joke: ******************************************************* This joke and others like it, can be found in: The Loony Bin ******************************************************* To UNSUBSCRIBE or SUBSCRIBE email: Subject: 'unsubscribe' or 'subscribe'