Dilithium Rhapsody...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk )
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 22:46:18 +0000

Hiya Folks...

Here's another parody of Bohemian Rhapsody...I'm sure that I don't have
to explain the subject...

Wishes & Dreams...


***                                                 ***
***                 THE LOONY BIN                   ***
***           loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk          ***
*** Archive: http://eleceng.ukc.ac.uk/~pjw/loonies/ ***
***                                                 ***
*******************Internet Goddess********************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

                                Dilithium Rhapsody:
                        sung to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody

        Scene one:  The Engine Room

Geordie:        Is this the warp drive?
                Is this machinery?
                Caught in a fast dive,
                no escape from the gravity.
                Switch on your probe,
                look down at the globe and see.
                I'm just a blind boy,
                aided prosthetically.
                Because I clearly see, clearly know.
                Enterprise flying low.
                Can you hear the wind blow?
                Bashing through the bulkheads
                to me, to me.

        Scene two:  The Bridge

Troi:           The Klingon is in command.
                Has a turtle on his head,
                looks rediculous in red.
                Klingons, I can sense it now
                are not content to sit at ops all day.

                Worfie, ooh.
                Didn't mean to make you growl,
                I'm glad you shot Picard and William Riker;
                carry on, carry on.
                (Let your navigating doom us.)

        Scene Three:  The Engine Room

Geordie:        Too late, our time has come.
                Sent Shivers through the hull,
                all the readouts going dull.
                Goodbye everybody,
                we've got to go.
                Got to leave the stars behind 
                and crash the ship.
Troi:           Klingon, ooh.
                I don't wanna die,
                I sometimes wish you'd studied those damn controls

        A light lights up on a console.

Geordie:        I see a little sillhouetto of a ship.
                Red alert, red alert, will you answer my mayday?
                Planetary lightning, very very frightening me
                Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo Shuttlecraft
                I'd better go...
                I'm just a blind boy, making a getaway.
Troi:           He's just a blind boy, running for the shuttle bay.
                Spare him his life from this mad mutiny!

        Scene Four:  The Shuttlecraft Galileo

Geordie:        Tractor beam, locking on, will you let me go?
Worf:           Quvatlah, no, I will not let you go!
Troi:           Let him go!
Worf:           Quvatlah, I will not let you go!
Troi:           Let him go!
Worf:           Quvatlah, I will not let you go!
Geordie:        Let me go!
Worf:           Will not let you go!
Geordie:        Let me go!
Worf:           Will not let you go!
Geordie:        Let me go, oh!
Worf:           No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Geordie:        Oh Leah Brahms, Leah Brahms
                tell me where I ought to go.
                Doc Heisenberg has a theory put aside
                for me, for me, for me!

        He spins off into space and is lost forever.

        Scene Five:  The Bridge

Picard:         So you think you can stun me and capture my craft.
                So you think you can beat me and give me the shaft!
                Oh, baby,
                can't do this to my baby;
                just gotta win out, just gotta get you out of here!

        A battle; Worf is shot.

        Epilogue:  The Shuttlecraft Galileo

Geordie:        Nothing's really matter,
                anyone can see.
                Nothing's really matter, nothing's really matter, but 
