Things NOT to say during sex...

The Loony Bin ( )
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 18:55:24 +0100

Hiya All...

Here are some things you should remember to avoid saying at critical 

Wishes & Dreams...


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***                 THE LOONY BIN                   ***
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*******************Internet Goddess********************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

1. Wendy ! Wendy! Wendy ! - if the girl is called Sarah

2. John ! John ! John ! - if the girl is called Sarah

3. Well, they say there are more important things in a relationship
then sex...

4. Even my grandmother is better in bed

5. You've got the right to remain silent. Everything you say or do
will be held against you in a court of Law. You've got the right to
an attorney...

6. So you said you never understood why your ex left you ?

7. That was very good, honey. Perhaps now we can try it WITHOUT

8. That was very good, honey. Perhaps now we can try it in a
more private place.

9. Where did I leave my chainsaw ?

10. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggggggggggghh ! Put
it back on ! Put it back on !

11. One, two, three, for, five,..., three thousand six hundred twenty
five, three thousand six hundred twenty six,..

12. Welcome to the HIV-club !

13. Now I understand why somebody becomes a priest.

14. Non mon petit, il n'y a aucune raison d'avoir peur du grand
Monsieur avec le noeud papillon. Si il parle d'une manihre bizare,
c'est parce qu'il est italien. Mais il est trhs gentil. Rigarde, il
enlhve ses vjtements spicialement pour toi. Alors, sois sage et
deshabille toi..

15. Oh shit, I thougt these things only happened in Moppy's Poppy's.

16. Did you ever audition for a sex movie? No? Well, take my advice: 
don't !

17. I hope you can cook...

18. Listen honey, everybody screws up sometimes. Off course, not
everybody screws up every time.

19. Are you an alcoholic? No? Why not?