The Loony Bin
Fri, 25 Oct 02 01:38:21 +0100
Hiya Folks... Now it's time for an apparently-true tale of a lottery winner with a bit of a problem... Wishes & Dreams... - ANDREA xx ******* THE LOONY BIN **** ******* Archive: *********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess *********** ------- Forwarded foolishness follows ------- THE LOTTERY WINNER ------------------ Californian Bill Helko was thrilled when he had the winning numbers in the local lottery, the first prize being $412,000. He straight away went and ordered a Porsche, booked a family holiday in Hawaii and had a champagne dinner with his wife and friends at an expensive Hollywood restaurant. When he went to pick up the winnings he found that 9,097 others had also won first prize and his share of the jackpot was $45. Please include this information if you forward this joke: ******************************************************* This joke and others like it, can be found in: The Loony Bin ******************************************************* To UNSUBSCRIBE or SUBSCRIBE email: Subject: 'unsubscribe' or 'subscribe'