Voice Activated...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.com )
Wed, 20 Mar 02 01:09:29 -0000

Hiya Folks...

This time we take a quick trip to see what's new in the stereo

Wishes & Dreams...


*********THE LOONY BIN****loonies@bloodaxe.com*********

         Archive: http://www.theloonies.co.uk/

************ANDROMEDA******Internet Goddess************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Practical Joke  
I went with my girlfriend at the time to an electronics store - we were
browsing through the home stereo aisle. 

I decided to play a joke on her, so as she was looking at one stereo I
moved over down the row and saw one with a remote. I picked up the
remote and hid it to my side and called her over. 

I explained to her "This stereo is voice activated, just say volume up
and volume down and it'll do it".  

She replied, "no way".

I said "try it". 

So she does. She proceeds to tell the stereo in a mild tone of voice,
"Volume up", so I turned up the volume. When she heard the stereo turn
"ITSELF" up she was totally amazed. 

So with a huge smile she said, "volume down" and the stereo turned
"ITSELF" down.
So I tell her, "Try it again just say it a little bit louder and the
stereo will go louder."  

So in a louder tone of voice she says, "Volume up!", so this time I
decided to crank it up very, very loud. 

She  realizes it's just a little too loud so she starts yelling at the

The other store patrons turned and started laughing at her, especially
after I showed her the magic behind the volume, me! 

Please include this information if you forward this joke:
     This joke and others like it, can be found in:
                     The Loony Bin
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