The Loony Bin
Thu, 2 Jul 1998 17:16:48 +0100
The Loony Bin - ---------------------------- Sponsor Message ---------------------------- ListBot Get your own free mailing list! Discussion lists and moderated lists now supported. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiya Loonies... Here's a bit of a breakdown in communications...sent in by Alan... Wishes & Dreams... - ANDREA xx ******************************************************* ******************************************************* *** *** *** THE LOONY BIN *** *** *** *** Archive: *** *** *** *******************Internet Goddess******************** **********************ANDROMEDA************************ ------- Forwarded foolishness follows ------- There was this construction worker, Steve, on the 3rd floor of this unfinished building. Steve needed a hand saw but was too lazy to go down and get it himself. So he tried to call to his fellow worker, Joe, on the ground to get it for him, but Joe could not hear a word he said. So Steve started to give signs to Joe so that Joe could understand him. First Steve pointed to his eyes (meaning "I"), then pointed at his knees (meaning "need"), and moved his hand back and forth describing the movement of a hand saw. Finally, Joe started shaking his head like he understood and dropped his pants and started to jack off. Steve got pissed and ran down to the ground and started yelling at Joe, "You idiot, I was trying to say, 'I need a hand saw!'" Joe replied, "I know, I was trying to tell you that I'm coming..." ----------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent via ListBot. To remove yourself from this list, please visit Get a free mailing list for your web site @ -----------------------------------------------------------------