The Loony Bin
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 18:16:07 +0000
Hiya Loonies... Here the Oracle tells a supplicant how to make money fast... Wishes & Dreams... - ANDREA xx ***<>****<>*** ***<>***<>*** *** *** *** THE LOONY BIN *** *** *** *** Archive: *** *** *** *******************Internet Goddess******************** **********************ANDROMEDA************************ ------- Forwarded foolishness follows ------- The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Oh mighty and illustrious Oracle, who knows all kinds of stuff, > > I need a new computer, preferably a fast one with lots of goodies. > Where can I get $3000 really quick? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } OK, here's the deal. You start selling stock market tips. "But I know } nothing of commodities!" I hear you exclaim. Have no fear -- with the } BRAND NEW (IMPROVED!!) Oracle's Miracle Market Tip Factory (tm) (r) } (tm), you too can earn $3000 in the space of 10 weeks, for the price } of less than 2048000 postage stamps and 2000 Q-Tips! } } This scam really works!! Of course, I myself have never tried it, but } my friend's uncle almost did, and... } } Well, never mind. Let's get down to business. Anyone in their right } mind would gladly pay $3 for GUARANTEED ROCK-SOLID stock-market tips } -- all you have to do is sell tips to 1000 } sucke^H^H^H^H^Hclients. Remember, this is supposed to look legitimate! } } Pick 1024000 prospective suckers, and send each of them a letter } saying how you're going to mail them tips for ten weeks, after which } they'll need to pay $3 to receive further tips. EXPLAIN to them how } THIS IS NOT A SCAM. Make sure to USE CAPITAL LETTERS in your LETTER, } and add a mimeographed signature (not your own, of course) in a } different colour at the bottom of the page. Enclose the first tip: } Half of them (512000) get told IBM will go down this week, the other } half that it will go up. } } The following week, let's say IBM stocks went up. Dump the losers you } told it would go down, and split the 512000 wise investors into two -- } tell each half something different. Make sure to use the term "Price / } Market / Performance / Index" in your letter. } } Continue like this for 10 weeks. At the end, you'll have 1000 suckers } convinced you're omniscient (and you were probably wondering how _I_ } do it. Well, let me tell you something -- That's not how I do it! } Well, not exactly). Ask each for $3 in order to continue sending them } tips. } } If you didn't send them anything, it would be mail fraud. So mail each } one 2 Q-Tips. } } You owe the Oracle bail, set at $2999.95.