Men & Women...

The Loony Bin ( )
Wed, 23 Oct 1996 12:02:57 +0100

Hiya Loonies...

Here's something Tasha forwarded to me *ages* ago...

Wishes & Dreams...


***                                                 ***
***                 THE LOONY BIN                   ***
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*** Archive: ***
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*******************Internet Goddess********************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

What women say...                  ...What they mean...

Can't we just be friends?            There is no way in hell I am going
                                     to let any part of your body touch
                                     any part of mine, again.

I just need some space               ...without you in it

Can you help me with my homework?    If I keep whining, the fool will do
                                     it for me.

Do I look fat in this dress?         We haven't had a fight in a while
No, pizza's fine                     Cheap bastard

I just do not want a boyfriend now   I just do not want (you as a) boy-
                                     friend now

I don't know; what do you want to    I can't believe that you have
do?                                  nothing planned

Come here                            My puppy does this too

I like you but...                    I don't like you

You never listen                     You never listen

We're moving too quickly             I am not going to sleep with you
                                     until I find out if this guy in Bio
                                     has a girlfriend

I'll be ready in a minute            I AM ready, but I am going to make
                                     you wait because I know you will.

Oh, no, I will pay for myself        I am just being nice; there is no
                                     way I am going dutch

Oh Yes! Right there                  Well, near there; I just want to get
                                     this over with

I'm just going out with the girls    We are gonna get sloppy and make
                                     fun of you and your friends

There's no one else                  I am doing your brother

Size doesn't count...                unless I want an orgasm


What guys say...                     ...What they mean...

It is just orange juice, try it.     3 more shots, and she'll have her
                                     legs around my head.

She's kind of cute                   I want to bang her till I am blue

I don't know if I like her           She won't blow me

I need you                           My hand is tired

I had her                            I had (wet dreams about) her all

I really want to get to know you I can tell my friends about
better                               it

How do I compare with all your       Is my penis really that small?
other boyfriends?

You're the only girl I've ever       You are the only girl who has not
cared about                          rejected me
I want you back                      ...for tonight anyway

We've been through so much together  If it was not for you, I never
                                     would have lost my virginity
I miss you so much                   I am so horny that my roommate is
                                     starting to look good

No, I do not want to dance right     Shoot! She'll know that I have a
now                                  hard-on

The break-up should not start        I want to have sex a few more times
for another 24 hours

I am different from all the other    I am not circumsized 