Harry Potter...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.com )
Sat, 08 Mar 03 01:18:26 -0000

Hiya Loonies...

Now it's time for us to enjoy Dave Barrie's view of the fundamentalist
response to Harry Potter...

Wishes & Dreams...


******* THE LOONY BIN **** loonies@bloodaxe.com *******

         Archive: http://www.theloonies.co.uk/

*********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess ***********

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Harry Potter

I disagree with the critics who charge that the Harry Potter books teach
witchcraft and Satanism. 

Yes, I'm aware of the recent case in Pittsburgh, where a 9-year-old boy
recited a so-called "magic spell" from a Harry Potter book, and his
piano teacher turned into a singing walnut. 

At first glance, this incident seemed alarming, but it turned out that
there was a "perfectly innocent explanation," according to a police
source, who spoke on the condition that his head be changed back to its
normal size.  

- Dave Barry, columnist
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