Dog Breeder's Husband...

The Loony Bin ( )
Wed, 16 Oct 02 02:07:46 +0100

Hiya People...

Here's one for the dog-showing folk in our midst...

Wishes & Dreams...


******* THE LOONY BIN **** *******


*********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess ***********

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Dog Breeder's Husband

I'm just a dog breeder's husband
  I no longer rule my domain.
Even if kindly invited
  from opinions I wisely refrain.
I'm just a glorified kennel boy
  Of minor importance I know.
It seems my primary function
  Is merely providing the dough.
Now dog breeding's not inexpensive
  as you all no doubt are aware.
But the problem's not so much the money
  as the bustle, the wear and the tear.
Having studied the layback of shoulder
  and becoming an expert on feet
I still have not learned to give worm pills
  or how much the puppy should eat.
My spouse will spend hours grooming
  her Bred By Exhibitor bitch
but when it comes to scratching my back
  her thought is to let the thing itch!
Someday I hope that my wife'll take me
  wandering to some foreign vale
instead of inspecting the stifle
  of some Special stud at Hinsdale.
Off in a crowded motel room
  after the dog show is o'er
someone questions the judges decision
  while they reach for another drink more.
It appears that his eyesight is failing
  his errors in judgement immense.
In fact, if I did not know better
  you'd doubt if he had any sense.
One finds that the amateur's bungling
  is no match for professional skills.
A handler can hide what the owner admits
  as he tries hard his conscience to still.
The din and the utter confusion
  of everyone talking at once
leaves one weary, hoarse and irascible
  and the next day a bleary eyed dunce.
Sometimes late in the evening
  I'm asked if I do not agree
that Pottowattamie's Bridget
  is somewhat out at the knee.
But before I can answer the question
  I find my answer ignored.
For some inexplicable reason
  my questioner's suddenly bored.
I'm only a dog breeder's husband
  not that I mean to complain.
But I find certain aspects amazing
  when I aspire my role to explain.
I know at least where I am going
  I'm rapidly going to seed.
But I've learned all about Winner's Bitches
  I married the Best of the Breed!

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