Christmas Trees...

The Loony Bin ( )
Thu, 27 Dec 01 02:58:09 -0000

Hiya People...

Today we learn about Christmas trees, with a trivia quiz thrown in to
keep you entertained over Christmas...

Wishes & Dreams...


*********THE LOONY BIN*************


************ANDROMEDA******Internet Goddess************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

1. Look for a fresh tree with bright green needles. 
2. Crush a few needles in your hand. A strong evergreen fragrance is a
sign of freshness. 
3. Bend back a few needles. If they snap or break in temperatures above
25 degrees, the tree's not fresh. 
4. Use a tree stand that holds at least a gallon of water. 
5. Don't leave the decorated tree near radiators, fireplaces or any
sources of heat or drafts. 
6. Always turn off the tree lights before going to bed. 
President Franklin Pierce put up the first Christmas tree in the White
House in 1856. 
In 1920, Pasadena lit up a mile long avenue called Christmas Tree Lane
with more than ten thousand bulbs. 
States that are the largest producers of Christmas trees: California,
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Oregon, and Michigan.  
Trivial Test  (answers below)
1) What room in the average American home is the scene of the greatest
number of arguments? 
2) How much time - in months - does the average American motorist spend
during his lifetime waiting for red lights to turn green? 
3) Mistletoe is the state flower of what state? 
4) How did the town of Snowflake, Arizona, get its name? 
5) What was the full name of the 8-year-old girl, Virginia who wrote to
the New York Sun, asking; if there really is a Santa Claus? 

Trivia Answers
1) What room in the average American home is the scene of the greatest
number of arguments? 
- the kitchen 
2) How much time - in months - does the average American motorist spend
during his lifetime waiting for red lights to turn green?   
- 6 months
3) Mistletoe is the state flower of what state? 
- Rhode Island
4) How did the town of Snowflake, Arizona, get its name? 
- From 2 early settlers - Erastus Snow and William J Flake
5) What was the full name of the 8-year-old girl, Virginia who wrote to
the New York Sun, asking; if there really is a Santa Claus? 
- Virginia O'Hanlon

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