The Loony Bin
Sat, 08 Dec 01 01:33:58 -0000
Hiya Folks... Today a Southerner explains himself... Wishes & Dreams... - ANDREA xx *********THE LOONY BIN************* Archive: ************ANDROMEDA******Internet Goddess************ ------- Forwarded foolishness follows ------- SOUTHERN SPEAK FOR Y'ALL As a card carrying, state certified, board approved southerner what's done been reared in the south pert near all my life, I'm getting sick and tired of people on the Internet pretending to be southerners when they ain't. How many times to you have to be told when talking to one person, it ain't URL, its "Y'all." When you're talking to a whole passel of folk its "all y'all." When talking bout what a whole passel of folks got, its "all y'alls," such as "Tommy John and Mrs. Tommy John, that there field is all y'alls cotton ain't it?" Just plain URL don't make no sense a'tall. Now, y'all gotta start getting it right, or folks be thinking we're plumb ignorant. Please include this information if you forward this joke: ******************************************************* This joke and others like it, can be found in: The Loony Bin ******************************************************* To UNSUBSCRIBE or SUBSCRIBE email: Subject: 'unsubscribe' or 'subscribe' Get PAID for the emails you already send and receive! Referrer: