"What're you gonna do with that?"

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk )
Sat, 31 Aug 1996 20:50:51 +0100

Hiya All...

Here's a tale of chichen wire and other stuff...

Wishes & Dreams...


***                                               ***
***                THE LOONY BIN                  ***
***          loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk         ***
***                                               ***
******************Internet Goddess*******************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

There's an old man sitting on his porch when a little boy walks by.

"What'd you got there, little boy?", asks the old man?

"I got me some CHICKEN WIRE," replied the little boy.

"What're you gonna do with that?" asked the old man.

"Well, I'm gonna catch me some CHICKENS, of course," replied the little

"Little boy," said the old man, "you can't catch CHICKENS with CHICKEN

"Oh yeah?" asked the little boy. "Watch me!"

That evening, the little boy walked home with 3 chickens slung over his

The next day, the old man spotted the little boy again. "What do you got
today, little boy?", he inquires.

"I got me some DUCT TAPE." replied the little boy.

"Now what," asked the old man, "are you going to do with DUCT TAPE?"

"What d'ya think?" asked the old boy, "I'm gonna catch me some DUCKS!"

The old man found this ridiculous. "You can't catch DUCKS with DUCT
TAPE," he told him.

"Oh yeah?" asked the little boy. "Watch me!"

That evening the little boy returned with 5 ducks over his shoulder, and
the old man was amazed.

The next day, the old man sees the little boy again. "What have you got
now? he asks.

"PUSSY-WILLOWS", says the little boy.

Hang on," says the old man, "Lemme get my hat."