When the devil met his match...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk )
Mon, 24 Jun 1996 08:21:16 +0100

Hiya People...

Here's what happened when three evangelists find their way to hell...

Wishes & Dreams...


***                                               ***
***                THE LOONY BIN                  ***
***          loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk         ***
***                                               ***
******************Internet Goddess*******************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and Jim Baker were riding in a car together,
were involved in a traffic accident, and killed. Their souls made their
way to heaven.

At the pearly gates, Saint Peter met them and apologetically informed
them there wasn't room in heaven at the moment, so they would have to
wait "down below" until there were vacancies.

Obediently, they went to hell.

About a week later Saint Peter received a frantic phone call from the

"Listen," said the devil, "you've got to get these three guys outta
here!  They're ruining the place."

"What's wrong?" asked Saint Peter.

"Well," said the devil, "Billy Graham is converting everybody, Oral
Roberts is building a university, and Jim Baker has raised enough money
to air condition this damn place!"