Hardware specs on new Gates child...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk )
Mon, 13 May 1996 12:05:07 +0100

Hiya People...

An update on the latest arrival from Microsoft...

Wishes & Dreams...

***                                               ***
***                THE LOONY BIN                  ***
***          loonies@bloodaxe.demon.co.uk         ***
***                                               ***
******************Internet Goddess*******************

A hearty congratulations to Microsoft Chair Bill Gates on the recent
addition to his nuclear family. Last Friday, Bill's wife, Melinda French
Gates, gave birth to 8-pound, 6-ounce Jennifer Gates at Overlake
Hospital in Bellevue, Washington. Mother and daughter were both reported
to be doing well.
Of course, a lot of planning goes into a new child--as evidenced by this 
scrap of paper faxed to us by an anonymous medical technician at
Overlake Hospital:
Top ten specs for the new Gates child: 

10. Two hours between recharges
 9. Infinite capacity removable storage 
 8. EnergyStar shutdown (nonprogrammable) 
 7. SCSI port
 6. Multiple Registry entries
 5. Compact laptop design
 4. Plug and Play accessories
 3. Small footprint
 2. Software-only audio controls
 1. Bidirectional cereal port