
The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.com)
Wed, 13 Aug 03 02:36:00 +0100

Hiya Folks...

Here are a couple for the guys to sympathise with...

Wishes & Dreams...


******* THE LOONY BIN **** loonies@bloodaxe.com

         Archive: http://www.theloonies.co.uk/

*********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess ***********

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

What are the three fastest means of communication?
1) Internet
2) Telephone
3) Telawoman.


I know I'm not going to understand women. I'll never understand how you
can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair
out by the root, and still be afraid of a spider.

Please include this information if you forward this joke:
     This joke and others like it, can be found in:
                     The Loony Bin

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