Diner Wisdom...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.com)
Sun, 20 Jul 03 01:51:05 +0100

Hiya Folks...

This time we get some words of wisdom from a waitress at a diner...

Wishes & Dreams...


******* THE LOONY BIN **** loonies@bloodaxe.com


         Archive: http://www.theloonies.co.uk/

*********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess ***********

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------


Myrddin, Bill and Thorn stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch. As
luck would have it, Jill was their waitress.

Myrddin ordered a tuna-fish sandwich on white bread.

"Tuna?" Jill asked. "You'll like our chicken salad better. And how about
whole wheat bread instead of white? It has more vitamins."

"All right," Myrddin answered. "Make it chicken salad on whole wheat."

Bill ordered next: "Green salad, no dressing and coffee."

"No dressing?" asked Jill. "There isn't much to that. Why not a pear and
cottage cheese salad? And coffee will only keep you awake. Have an ice
cold milk."

With that, Thorn asked Jill what she would suggest for him.

"Suggest?" said Jill. "Who's got time for suggestions?"

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     This joke and others like it, can be found in:
                     The Loony Bin

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