The Loony Bin
Wed, 21 May 03 00:51:05 -2300
Hiya Folks... This time, we learn what happened to one embarrassed student on their first day in literature class... Wishes & Dreams... - ANDREA xx ******* THE LOONY BIN **** ******* Archive: *********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess *********** ------- Forwarded foolishness follows ------- LITERATURE 101 On my first day of classes at Ballstate U. in Muncie Indiana, I took a front row seat in my literature course. The professor told us we would be responsible for reading five books, and that he would provide us with a list of authors from which we could choose. The he ambled over to the lectern, took out his class book and began: "Baker, Black, Brooks, Carter, Cook..." I was working feverishly to get down all the names when I felt a tap on my shoulder. The student behind me whispered, "He's taking attendance!" Please include this information if you forward this joke: ******************************************************* This joke and others like it, can be found in: The Loony Bin ******************************************************* To UNSUBSCRIBE or SUBSCRIBE email: Subject: 'unsubscribe' or 'subscribe'