Chain Letter...

The Loony Bin ( )
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 16:50:44 +0000

The Loony Bin -

Hiya People...

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We haven't had a chain letter in a while, so here's one to keep you
busy...don't break the chain...!!!

Wishes & Dreams...


*********THE LOONY BIN*************
***                                                 ***
***      Archive:      ***
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************ANDROMEDA******Internet Goddess************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

If you send this message off to 20 people within the next 4 days, and
each of them send this letter off to 20 other people within 4 days...

In 40 days, approx. 10 trillion of these messages will cross the

>From day 40 to day 44, an additional 200 trillion of these messages will
cross the Internet, at an average of 50 trillion messages per day.

>From day 44 to 48, an additional 4,000 trillion of these messages will
cross the Internet, at an average of 1,000 trillion messages a day, 41.7
trillion messages per hour, 694 billion messages per minute, or 11.6
billion messages per second.

Of course, the Internet will have ground to a complete halt way before
then, and a good thing too, because by day 44 (assuming each man, woman
and child in the world is tied to the Internet) you would have to
respond to about 2 chain mail letters per second, sending off 20
responses each second, giving you 5/100 of a second to send each
message. If you drop the ball, you will break about 1,800,000 chain
letters per day, bringing almost two million times the bad luck upon
yourself than if you broke the first chain letter to begin with.

The logical conclusion? It is better to break the initial chain letter
and receive one dose of bad luck than to continue the chain letter, and
by day 44, receive 1,800,000 doses of bad luck.

I knew one poor fellow who ended up in such a circumstance. He ended up
having 287,345 heart attacks, losing 5,137 wives, got fired from at
least 100,000 jobs, and was run over by a truck. His Visa card was also
revoked. Nobody liked him anymore. He finally ended up committing
suicide 459 times, but he was so unlucky, he was never successful.
Finally, he resigned to the idea of not dying, and was immediately hit
by a meteorite and vaporized. But his cells went on to experience even
more bad luck.

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     This joke and others like it, can be found in:
                     The Loony Bin
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