
The Loony Bin ( )
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 22:17:56 +0100

The Loony Bin -

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Hiya Loonies...

Here's a condom story...sent in by Alan...

Wishes & Dreams...


***                                                 ***
***                 THE LOONY BIN                   ***
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*******************Internet Goddess********************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

A father and his son go into the drugstore when they happen upon
the condom aisle.

The son asked his father,  "Why there are so many different
boxes of condoms?"

The father replied, "Well, you see that 3 pack?  That's for when
you're in high school.  You have 2 for Friday night and 1 for
Saturday night."

The son then asked his father, "Well what's the 6 pack for?"

The father replied, "Well that's for when you're in college.
You have 2 for Friday night, 2 for Saturday night, and 2 for
Sunday morning."

Then the son asked his father, "What's that 12 pack is for?"

The father replied,  "Well that's for when you're married.  You
have one for January, one for February, one for March........"

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