The Loony Bin
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 22:45:15 +0000
Hiya Folks... Here's one from Pete...we've all heard of beta testing, but what does it all mean...??? Wishes & Dreams... - ANDREA xx ***<>****<>*** ***<>***<>*** *** *** *** THE LOONY BIN *** *** *** *** Archive: *** *** *** *******************Internet Goddess******************** **********************ANDROMEDA************************ ------- Forwarded foolishness follows ------- >From .EXE magazine in 1992: alpha It compiles! beta It runs on Joe's machine. gamma It runs on Kate's machine too. delta It runs on the network. epsilon It's stopped running on Kate's machine. zeta It runs on all machines, but report crashes. eta It crashes with HIMEM.SYS. theta It crashes without HIMEM.SYS. iota It crashes with a serial printer. kappa It works! But the spec has changed. lambda It runs, but mysteriously at half the speed of before. mu It crashes the network. nu It crashes Kate's machine with HIMEM.SYS, Joe's without. xi It runs, but the printout is garbage. omicron As above, but crashes after printout sometimes. pi It sometimes crashes. rho Kate thinks it works, but it turns out she's running lambda. sigma No luck yet. tau Aha, sorted out the printout. upsilon Nearly there -- just need to tidy up the help text. phi It won't run at all on anything. chi Yipee! It runs perfectly on all the machines in the world. psi It runs on all the machines in the world except that idiot's from Basingstoke with the customised Amstrad and DOS 4.01. omega It won't compile.