Little Johhny again...

The Loony Bin ( )
Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:43:26 +0100

Hiya Folks...

Here are some more tales of what Little Johnny has been up to...

Wishes & Dreams...


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***                THE LOONY BIN                  ***
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******************Internet Goddess*******************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

One day, the teacher walks into her classroom and announces to the class
that on each Friday, she will ask a question and anyone who answers
correctly doesn't have to go to school on the following Monday. 

On the first Friday, the teacher asks, "How many grains of sand are on
the beach?" Needless to say, no one could answer. 

The following Friday, the teacher asks the class, "How many stars are in
the sky?" and again no one could answer.  

Frustrated, little Johnny decides that the next Friday, he would somehow
answer the question and get a 3 day weekend.  So on Thursday night,
Johnny takes two ping-pong balls and paints them black.  The next day,
he brings them to school in a paper bag.  

At the end of the day, just when the teacher says, "Here's this week's
question," Johnny empties the bag to the floor sending the ping-pong
balls rolling to the front of the room.  Because they are young kids who
find any disruption of class amusing, the entire class starts laughing.  

The teacher says, " Okay, who's the comedian with the black balls?" 

Immediately, little Johnny stands up and says, "Bill Cosby, see ya on


Little Johnny greeted his mother at the door after she had been out of
town all week and said, "Mommy, guess what?  Yesterday, I was playing in
the closet in your bedroom and Daddy came into the room with the lady
from next door and they got undressed and they got into bed and then
Daddy got on top of her and -"  

The mother held up her hand and said, "Not another word!  Wait until
your father gets home and then I want you to tell him exactly what
you've just told me."  

The father comes home and the wife tells him that she's leaving him. 

"But why?" croaks the husband.  

"Go ahead, Johnny, tell Daddy just what you told me."  

"Well," said little Johnny, "I was playing in your closet and Daddy came
upstairs with the lady next door and they got undressed and they got
into bed and Daddy got on top of her and they did just what you did,
Mommy, with Uncle Bob when Daddy was away last summer!"