Sudden realisation...

The Loony Bin ( )
Thu, 11 Jul 1996 11:19:50 +0100

Hiya Folks...

Beware the hidden dangers of sudden realisation...

Wishes & Dreams...


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***                THE LOONY BIN                  ***
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******************Internet Goddess*******************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

There was a man in a rural area who was brought into the emergency room
with a broken leg. He had, it seemed, fallen off his roof. Information
was being taken from the victim for his insurance claim.

"How," the seeker after the truth wanted to know, "did the accident

"Well," the man began, "about 30 years ago ..." 

"Hold on," he was interrupted. "What's with '30 years ago?' We're
talking about this morning. We don't need to go back 30 years." 

"Yes we do," said the patient patiently.

"As I said 30 years ago when I was a big, handsome, strapping kid just
out of high school I had a job for about three days helping a farmer."

"The first night, I was in bed when the door to my room opered and the
farmer's real pretty young daughter came in wearing her nightgown and
asked me if there was anything I wanted - anything at all. I said no and
she left."

"The next night she came back again and I told her again there was
nothing I wanted."

"The third night, the same thing. And for the third time I told her no,
there was nothing I wanted. The bed was comfortable, the food was good,
I liked the work - I couldn't for the life of me figure out what else in
the world she thought I might want." 

"Then, this morning when I was up there putting up my tri-bander on the
roof it came to me like a flash. And when I jumped up and yelled 'oh,you
dummy.....' I lost my balance and fell off the roof."