Re: Star Trek

K.H.Wilson ( )
Mon, 13 Jun 1994 09:43:35 +0100

>----------         Star Trek:  The Next Generation           ----------
>----------    Episode XX:  Share Minds but Kill the Kid      ----------
>Scene 1:
>[Sickbay...Kirk Enters]
>Kirk:  How is she Bones?
>McCoy:  Well, Jim, I gave her a sedative but she keeps rambling on.
>Troi:  oh..pain...share minds...never got to share....mommy...
>McCoy:  I told Nurse Chapel to leave.  'Mom' that is.  I don't get the
>     connection but it was driving Chapel crazy.
>Kirk:  [rubbing his chin] Share minds...hmm...What does she mean by
>     sharing minds?
>McCoy:  I'm not sure...It's like nothing I've ever encountered.
>[Kirk presses button on wall intercom]
>Kirk:  Kirk to Spock...
>Spock: <>
>Kirk:  Come to sickbay.  We want you to help us with Troi.
>Spock:  <>
>Kirk:  Explain.
>Spock:  <>
>Kirk:  Hmm...Let him talk to Scotty.
>Spock:  <>
>[After a minute, Spock enters sickbay]
>Kirk:  Spock, we need you to mind meld with Troi here.  Find out what you
>     can.
>Spock:  Acknowledged. [places fingers carefully on Troi's face] Our minds
>     are getting closer and closer...
>Troi:  Yesss...Share minds...
>Spock:                ...Our minds are wow!  [a smile appears on Spock's
>     face.  He starts to blush, and he begins to shudder uncontrollably.
>     Spock's face begins to moisten with sweat, and both eyebrows are
>     'jumping' up and down.  Finally, after three minutes, the contact
>     is broken, though Spock's odd grin persists]...oboy, oboy, oboy!
>     Errr...I mean fascinating.
>Troi:  Oh yes!  Joy!  Pleasure!  Satisfaction!  Wonderful!  Gratitude!
>     Again!!  [Chapel enters]  Mom!!  [Chapel exits, blushing]  Confusion...
>     dismay...pain...oh the pain!!  [Spock proceeds to mind meld again]
>     Yes!!  Joy!  More!!
>Kirk:  Keep her quiet and give me a report in an hour, Mr. Spock.
>Spock:   If you...uhhh...insist.
>Kirk:  Bones, lets go check up on Wesley.
>Scene 2:
>Scotty:' if ya ever try ta do that again, I'll take ya by yur
>     bloody hair and send ya into space and torp' you, ya little...
>[Kirk enters]
>Scotty:  Captin'!  Thank God yur here!
>Kirk:  What happened?
>Scotty:  Well, this little brat came down here an' used this here device
>     ta make it sound like your voice, tellin me to come up to the
>     bridge.  When I found out you were in sickbay and that Wesley was going
>     ta meet me, I ran back here but Wesley locked the Engineering doors.
>     It took me a good two minutes to reprogram the computer to override
>     Wesley's practical joke.
>Wes:  I'm sorry, but gee, it was fun!
>Kirk:  Take it easy Scotty.  He really meant no harm.
>Scotty:  Aye Captin, but the little bugger better watch his step, or I
>     might use the transporter to get rid of his brain.
>[Wesley and Kirk leave Engineering]
>Kirk:  Wesley, you better watch what you do around here.  Another stunt
>     like that and you will be confined.
>Wesley:  Gee, Captain, I only want everyone to know how smart I am.  [he
>     looks up at Kirk at notices hair]  Gee, you having hair problems?
>     Picard did too, 'cept he didn't use a toupee.  He's a real boring
>     guy.  Hey how's Troi?
>Kirk:  [Yelling and waving arms in old dramatic-Kirk-like fashion]  Listen
>     Wesley, *you* have the make something of yourself.
>     Don't blow it by doing stupid things.
>Wesley:  Gee, you don't have to be so dramatic...
>Kirk:  [slamming Wesley into corridor wall]  Listen you stupid little
>     jackass!  After Charlie X, Trelayne, Miri & Jahn, and the children
>     from Triacus you're nothing.  If you ever try to get wise to me or
>     to any of my crew, I will put you over my knee and ......[high pitched
>     whistle from intercom]...[pushing intercom button]...What!?
>McCoy:  I'm in sickbay, Jim.  Sorry to disturb you, but its Spock.
>     I..I think you better get down here.
>Kirk:  Why?  Has Spock died again?
>McCoy:  Now!
>Kirk:  On my way.
>[Kirk, followed by Wesley run into the turbo-lift]
>Scene 3:
>[Sickbay, Kirk and Wesley enter]
>Kirk:  What is it Bones ohmygodisthatspock?
>Wesley:  Gosh!
>[Kirk and Wesley look in shock at Spock and Troi]
>[Spock is sitting next to Troi.  They are both smoking a cigarette, and
> Staring into one another's eyes.  Spock has the biggest grin on his face.]
>McCoy:  Well, Jim, Spock seems to be in total bliss.  I haven't
>     encountered anything like this since you and that Deltan.  I
>     think Spock's life is in danger.
>Kirk:  Don't spend too much time worrying about it Bones...Spock will pull
>     through...He's a regular.  However, I think I will need some time
>     alone with Troi, in my quarters.
>Wes:  Oh yeah!  Jimmy boy is gonna do Troi!
>Kirk:  [aside to Wesley]...shut up kid!...
>Scene 4:
>Chekov:  Cowordinites Captin'?
>Kirk:  Hmmmmmm...
>Sulu: [to Chekov]  I don't understand it.  He's been like that after that
>     session he had with Troi.
>Chekov:  [shruggs, and repeats]  Cowordinates Captin'?
>Wesley:  Yo Captain!  The ruskie asked you for coordinates!
>Kirk:  [Suddenly remembering where he is and what he should be doing and
>     that the kid is still on his ship]  Set a course for the neutral zone.
>     [presses button on chair]  Scotty, I need maximum warp now!
>Scotty:  <>
>Kirk:  [almost whispering into chair intercom]  Look, do you want to get
>     rid of the kid or not?
>Scotty:  <>
>Wesley:  Warp 11 is impossible!!  Maximum logical warp is 10, stupid!  I
>     should know.
>Kirk:  [into chair intercom]  Security, come to bridge and confine
>     Wesley.  Strip search him and I want a twenty-four hour watch on him.
>Security Head:  Aye, Sir.
>Kirk:  Uhura, send a message to starbase 5, code 2, that the highly
>     valuable commodity, Wesley, is aboard, but we are having engine
>     problems and are heading for the neutral zone.
>Uhura:  But sir, the Klingon-Romulan Empire have broken code two a long
>     time ago.
>Kirk:  I know [smiles to Uhura].
>Scene 5:
>[Exiting warp speed...]
>Spock:  We are in the neutral zone, Jimbo.
>Kirk:  [To Spock]  Jim!  You used to call me Jim!  Remember?  [sighs, and
>     then speaks into chair intercom]  Scotty, I need you to transport Wesley
>     into the first Klingon ship that enters transportation range, and then
>     get us out of here.
>Scotty:  <     bad...>>
>Uhura:  Klingons are hailing us.
>Kirk:  On viewer.  [she does and nods]
>Klingon:  This is Captain Dk'ls of the starship Tr'gn, representing the
>     Klingon empire.  Your presence here is an act of war.  Give us the human
>     known as Wesley or prepare to die.
>Kirk:  [in chair intercom]  Now Scotty!  [turns] Go Sulu!!
>Scene 6:
>[In a more computerized looking universe...]
>Picard:  What's wrong with you.
>Crusher:  Shouldn't you be on the bridge?  You're supposed to be monitoring
>     the reattachment of the saucer section.
>Picard:  No need.  Its on automatic as usual.  I'm let Riker think he's doing
>     it manually and...What's wrong?
>Crusher:  Dammit, its my son!  Why did you get rid of him?
>Picard:  I got rid of them so we could have better adventures.  Troi was
>     driving me crazy, and your son was such a brat.  C'mon, we are finally
> crises...lets get under the covers and...
>Crusher:  [pushing Picard into the wall]  You had no right to do that!  He
>     may of been a brat, but he was *my* son.  There will be no future between
>     us until you get my son back!!  Don't come to me to console you during
>     your next crises!!!
>Picard:  Oh alright.  [Pressing insignia]  Riker.  Picard here.  Re-seperate
>     saucer section and lets go back and get Wesley and Troi.
>Next Episode...Klingons, Peace, Pain, oh the pain!
>| To be continued....|
>This episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, has been created, thanks
>to the following older episodes:
>Trek Classic (old series)         Diet Trek (cartoons) {Same old ST with a
>=========================         ====================  bit less Trek than
>Charlie X                         More Tribbles, More Troubles        usual}
>The Squire of Gothos
>The Naked Time
>The Deadly Years
>This Side of Paradise
>The Trouble With Tribbles
>Ellan of Troyius
>The Enterprise Incident
>Let That Be Your last Battlefield
>And The Children Shall Lead
>The Savage Curtain
>...and all the other episodes in which Kirk gets lucky...